"La Frontera. The Mexican-US-American Border and their Artists"
06.05.2014 — 31.07.2014Jaime Ruiz Otis, Pablo Llana, David Maung, Alfredo Libre Gutiérrez, Mauricio Sáenz
It is the best secured border in the world, and yet every year tenthousands try to cross it. In a dream of a better life. Many loose their lives, get kidnaped or deported. But the border between Mexico and the United States not only stands for migration, poverty and drug cartels. But also for a unique cultural and artistic diversity.
The LA FRONTERA project wants to show this diversity. Since 2009, the photographer Stefan Falke portrayed artists who live and work along the border. Original works of some of these artists will be shown in the Gallery Art Virus. The photographs of Falke can be seen at the Consulate General of Mexico and the Instituto Cervantes, also an installation by the artist Maurcio Saénz.
LA FRONTERA, the border does not exist without its artists. Their first-class works demonstrate a vibrant creativity.
Gallery Art Virus: Exhibition: 6. 5. – 31. 7. 2014
Exhibition of original artworks of Alfredo Libre Gutiérrez, Pablo Llana, David Maung, Jaime Ruiz Otis and Mauricio Saénz
Instituto Cervantes, Staufenstraße 1, Frankfurt: Exhibition: 7.5.-30.6.2014
Exhibition of the photographic works of Stefan Falke (exhibition part one) and an installion of Maurcio Saénz
Consulate General of Mexico, Taunusanlage 21, Frankfurt: Exhibition: 8. 5. – 30. 6. 2014
Exhibition of the photographic works of Stefan Falke (exhibition part two)
Instituto Cervantes, Staufenstraße 1, Frankfurt Sonntag, 11. Mai, 11 Uhr
Panel discussion »The mexican-US-American border – a model for Europe?«
with Karl Kopp (Pro Asyl, Frankfurt), Stefan Falke (photographer, New York), David Toscana (writer, Mexiko), David Maung (photographer, USA) Dr. Michele Sciurba (Gallerist, Frankfurt), Franz Viohl (Journalist, Berlin) Moderation: Corinna Santa Cruz (lecturer, Frankfurt)
More information about the event, backgrounds and the released coffee table book you find under