
F. W. Bernstein born in 1938 (actually as Fritz Weigle) is a lyricist, graphic designer, caricaturist and satirist.
After having passed the Abitur (university-entrance diploma) in 1957 he studied in Stuttgart at the Academy of Arts.
1958 he changed to the Hochschule der Künste Berlin.
1960 he returned to Stuttgart where he passed his final examination in art pedagogic in 1961.
In winter 1961 he started again his studies in graphic design while studying German literature at the Free University of Berlin at the same time.
In 1964 made his finalized in German literature. His pedagogic career Weigele started as student teacher / teacher on probation in Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen.
In 1968 he became assessor in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe.
1972 he started as an art educationalist in the University in Göttingen.
From 1984 up to his retirement in 1999 he has been Professor for caricature and cartoon strip at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin.
In April 1964 Weigele started working for the satiric monthly magazin “Pardon”. Shortly after – together with Robert Gernhardt and F. K. Waechter – he created the Pardon supplement for Welt im Spiegel (WimS), the unabridged Newspaper for a clean world, which he continued until 1975. F.W. Bernstein founded the legendary Neue Frankfurter Schule together with Robert Gernhardt, Eckhard Henscheid, F. K. Waechter, Chlodwig Poth, Bernd Eilert and Hans Traxler which altogether in 1979 started contributing to the still published satire magazine “Titanic”.

Bernstein lives and works in Berlin.
